Significant A&E demand continues for NHS amid increasing strike pressure

The hottest June on record saw heightened demand for urgent and emergency services, as staff managed more A&E attendances and saw the second highest number of the most serious ambulance incidents (category 1) for any June. Ambulance response times across all categories have seen improvements on last year, with paramedics reaching category 2 patients an average of 15 minutes faster than in June 2022. A&E four-hour performance has also improved compared to last year (73.3% vs 72.1%).

How reliant is the NHS in England on international nurse recruitment?

Registered nurse vacancies account for over a third of all full-time equivalent NHS staff vacancies in England. Compared with many other OECD countries, the UK relies heavily on internationally recruited nurses to fill funded posts. Recent Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) data underline this reliance on international nurses, showing that the annual number of new nurse registrants from outside the European Economic Area has increased significantly and in 2022/23 reached the highest level si

75 years of the NHS

Treating over a million people a day in England, the NHS touches all of our lives. When it was founded in 1948, the NHS was the first universal health system to be available to all, free at the point of delivery. Today, nine in 10 people agree that healthcare should be free of charge, more than four in five agree that care should be available to everyone, and that the NHS makes them most proud to be British.

Vision-saving drug to be routinely offered on NHS to prevent blindness in premature babies

Premature babies are to be routinely offered a “life-changing” treatment to prevent blindness on the NHS for the first time, the head of the health service has announced today. The drug, ranibizumab, could save the eyesight of babies born with a condition known as retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), which affects blood vessels in the retina, creating damaging scar tissue and causing blindness.

Plan to train more doctors more quickly in England

Medical degrees could be shortened by a year and there will be thousands more university places for medical students, in a major plan to boost the NHS workforce in England.

The Professional Standards Authority (PSA) has published its annual performance review of the HCPC.

The HCPC has met 16 of the 18 Standards of Good Regulation, regaining two fitness to practise (FTP) standards and one standard linked to registration.