Zero-hour contract ban to include agency workers
Agency workers will be included in a ban on "exploitative" zero-hour contracts as part of amendments to the government's employment reform bill, the BBC understands.
Frontline NHS staff in the North West to have their say on the future of the NHS
Around 100 frontline NHS staff will be joined by NHS England directors in Liverpool today (11 Feb 2025) to discuss what they want to see from the government’s 10 Year Health Plan.
Independent mental health homicide report into the treatment of Valdo Calocane
Today (5 February 2025) NHS England (Midlands) has published the full independent investigation conducted by Theemis into the care and treatment of Valdo Calocane in the months leading up to the events of 13 June 2023.
Scheme to attract trainee doctors to England’s deprived areas at risk, GPs say
Royal College of GPs says threat of cut to TERS programme ‘alarming’ and would exacerbate health inequalities
NMC increases diversity of FtP panel member pool
The NMC has increased the diversity of its pool of panel members, who make decisions at fitness to practise hearings. This has been a key aim of successive recruitment campaigns, and was a recommendation in the recent independent culture review.
NHS supports thousands more people back into work
Almost 70,000 people with mental health issues were given employment support last year as part of the NHS Talking Therapies Programme – up nearly two-thirds on the year before, latest NHS figures show.