Many overseas doctors feel ill-prepared to join NHS, survey finds

More than half of international medical graduates questioned say NHS induction inadequate

RCGP calls for halt to recruitment of Physician Associates in general practice, following consultation with more than 5,000 GPs

The Royal College of GPs has published the results of its consultation with members on the role of Physician Associates (PAs) working in general practice settings and made initial recommendations pending further work in this area.

Thousands of NHS patients to access trials of personalised cancer ‘vaccines’

Thousands of cancer patients in England are set to gain fast-tracked access to trials of personalised cancer vaccines following the launch of a world-leading NHS trial “matchmaking” service to help find new life-saving treatments.

NHS patients to access world-leading laser beam surgery to prevent epileptic seizures

The NHS is to roll out a “game-changing” new laser beam therapy next month to help reduce seizures for patients with epilepsy.

Private health insurance market grows by £385m in a year amid NHS crisis

Demand for private treatment booms as NHS waiting lists remain long, while more people also sign up for dental cover

Record NHS cancer checks top three million in one year

NHS cancer checks have topped three million in a year for the first time – more than doubling in the last decade.