Worrying signs’ that more medics plan to leave the workforce, regulator warns

There are “worrying signs” that a growing number of doctors are planning to leave the profession due to burnout and dissatisfaction, the General Medical Council (GMC) has warned.

Tens of thousands of women set to benefit from ‘repurposed’ NHS drug to prevent breast cancer

Tens of thousands more women at increased risk of breast cancer could now benefit from a proven risk-reducing drug on the NHS, after it was licensed in a new use to help prevent the disease.

Thousands of lives saved by the NHS thanks to rapid rollout of blood thinners

Thousands of lives have been saved and almost 17,000 strokes prevented, thanks to the rapid roll-out of blood-thinning drugs on the NHS, the head of the health service will announce today.

NHS mobile testing scheme finds thousands of new cases of liver damage

More than 2,200 people in high-risk communities have been newly identified as being at risk of life-threatening liver cancer, thanks to NHS roaming liver trucks across the country. Under a major NHS drive to catch more cancers earlier and save more lives, 12 on-the-spot liver scanning trucks have been touring 18 areas of England.

NHS virtual wards to treat thousands of patients with heart failure at home

Thousands of patients with heart failure will now be treated from home as the NHS expands its world-leading virtual wards scheme.

Consultation on English language proficiency

Communicating effectively in English is a key part of safe and effective practice for the professionals on our Register.